Therapeutic Contract Form

My Vision

The truth of our unity is that we are not so much one, as not two. I want to live in a world of rich and full togetherness based on the lived understanding of this unity: of our shared human-ness of, in and through consciousness.

My Mission

I create spaces that encourage you to trust and surrender to the wisdom of your body.

Here we honour your protections, welcome your hurts and celebrate the beauty of aliveness.

Together we open to love and vitality… our birthright.

My Aim

I support you in deciphering and disentangling thoughts and feelings which are not the expression of your healthiest and truest self.

I support you in developing and mastering head-informed, heart-felt and gut-aligned communication, within yourself and thus, naturally, with others.

I support you in grounding your actions in the clear awareness of your healthiest and truest self.

Therapeutic Arrangements

Session Duration: 75 minutes from the time arranged.

Session Schedule: TBA flexibly.

Fee (per session): £45 – individual / £60 – couples

Sessions will take place online at:

Meeting ID: 324 243 2019

Passcode: 8fYz3N

My Contact Details

Mobile: 07895 137 314


If you call and I am unavailable, you’re very welcome to leave me a voice message or send a text message and I’ll come back to you.

If you leave a message after 5pm I may not get back to you until the next day after 9am. I aim to respond to emails within 24 hours.

Payment & Cancellation Info

Sessions may be cancelled by phone, message or email. For my sustainability, I invite missed sessions or sessions cancelled within 24hrs of the scheduled time to be paid for in full unless otherwise agreed.

On very rare occasions I may need to cancel and reschedule a session at short notice.

Payment is by bank transfer to:

Payee Name: hiveMindfulness

Account Number: 30104206

Sort Code: 23-69-72

Please use your surname as the transfer reference. Please make the transfer no later than 1 day after the session has taken place

Confidentiality and Recording of Session Information

What is said and heard during our sessions remains confidential, and any written case notes from sessions are kept confidential. However, there are some limits to confidentiality:

•        As part of my commitment to working ethically, and to care for my own well-being I sometimes take my work to certain supervision sessions. Supervision is subject to the same confidentiality agreement.

•        If I judge there appears to be risk of serious harm to yourself or others, selective disclosure may become necessary. This would usually occur after prior consultation with you.

•        There are legal limits to confidentiality e.g. Prevention of Terrorism, Drug Trafficking Acts.

•        In a court of law I can be required to answer questions about a client.


Other Terms

•        Please abstain from using any non-prescribed drugs and alcohol on the day of your session.

•        Please have all non-essential mobile devices turned off and out of sight during sessions.

•        Each of us has the right to work in an environment free from violent, threatening or abusive behaviour.

•        To finish the relationship please give a minimum of two sessions notice. This provides a time period in which to address any unfinished business and to end our work together cleanly and safely.

•        I will provide you with at least two weeks notice of planned annual leave.

•        Please be aware that if we should cross paths outside of our sessions I will not initiate contact. This is to respect both of our rights to keep our relationship private.


Privacy Statement

In undertaking this relationship you will be providing me with certain personal data. In doing so it is important that you are aware of and agree to the following:

•        My notes, where made, are anonymous, free of identifying information, not stored digitally and are shredded no more than one year after the relationship ends.

•        Contact details are not shared and digitally stored information cannot be connected to notes.

•        This contract and other documentation that includes personal data are kept secure and in a separate location from notes.

Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions about how your personal data is processed.

Restorative Connection Policy

You matter. Our connection matters. If you are dissatisfied with our interactions it matters to me and I want you to be heard. As such my restorative connection policy can be found here:

Mark Britton has £4,000,000 Professional Liability, Medical Malpractice and Public Liability Insurance cover for Breathing Therapy, Emotional Release, Emotional Therapy, Laughter Yoga, Mediation, Meditation & Mindfulness through