You matter.

Connection matters.

Restorative connection policy

Purpose and Principles of this Policy

•        To support clear, respectful acknowledgement of your dissatisfaction with my services

•        To support timely and transparent flow through any complaints

•        ​To support a resolution process that is fair and supportive of all parties

Personal Message

Please know that I wholeheartedly welcome feedback and raising of complaints. I strongly believe that every voice matters and I want yours to be heard, particularly in relation to any hurt you may have experienced at my doing.

It is a great source of surprising comfort to me to know that I will make mistakes and I will end up creating harm, despite my very best intentions not to. Knowing this, allows me to be kinder to myself, and to have more capacity to hear others when I have created harm.


If you are dissatisfied in any way with any service you receive from me, including workshops, events or private sessions use GROWS and…


1.   Get some support

As our practice is based on NVC, which is a community based practice of mutual support, please see if you have capacity to get some support from a member of the NVC UK network (or an empathy buddy or someone else you feel comfortable with) to help you get clear about your needs.

2.   Contact me

Contact me with your complaint (or ask a friend or support person to contact me). Please let me know your complaint by email. Please put the word 'Complaint' in the subject header.

I would like to hear:

  • what has happened 

  • the impact on you

  • what needs haven’t been met

  • what you would like to see happen now.

We can communicate by email, or have a conversation so I can hear your complaint(s) and find a resolution of the issue.

After this conversation, I will respond to you by email with what I have learnt from this incident and what I will do differently next time, if relevant.

If you are satisfied, this is the end of the process.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome, go to 3.

3.   Further options

Please contact a trainer or mediator of your choosing and I will pay the costs of up to 2 hours of their time towards mutual satisfaction.

Here are some options

NVC UK listed facilitators

Thank you for your honouring of your own needs in relation to the connection we have.