Vibrant Communication

Starter Kit

Want to get started on mastering a language of awareness which fosters a quality of connection in your communication that lessens misunderstanding, more readily resolves conflict, and taps into the spontaneous generosity that emerges from being authentic and self-connected?

I’m offering accompaniment back to what has always been inside us: our curious, creative, courageous and compassionate Self - our vibrant Self!

Sign up below and get practical help with an ‘Understanding People’s Motivations’ fridge printout, a ‘Speaking to be Heard’ worksheet, and a 4-part ‘Listening that Connects’ process pdf.

A beautiful world of confident expression, respectful understanding despite difference, and connection through difficulty is possible.

You DON’T need to:

  • bite your tongue

  • avoid people

  • relive conversations

  • dump anger

  • wrestle with regret

  • beat yourself up

  • criticise people


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You CAN:

  • listen in a way which nourishes both parties. Say what now?!

  • speak in way that leaves you confident and satisfied in being heard.

  • know exactly what makes you tick and make choices from that place of knowing.

  • unlock difficult situations, finding ways that work for everybody, even when seemingly impossible!

Thanks so much for your time. Grab your Starter Kit here. Feel free to drop me a line anytime.

With warmth,

“Being truly present and emotionally honest is the birthplace of creativity and change - it is the birthplace of a vibrant life.”

I align and resonate deeply with Nonviolent Communication (NVC), which is a language of awareness and a way of being in the world.

I like to think of it as vibrant or courageous communication (‘Cœur’ is the French word for heart), though you might also know it as Mindful, Needs-Based, Compassionate or Connecting communication.

The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.
— Marshall Rosenberg

The skills offered here could really serve you if you:

get so worked up you have to withdraw

are scared stiff at even the thought of conflict

ever get criticised for not listening or told you don’t listen

feel alienated from people in your workplace or community

are often responded to in a defensive, dismissive or closed way

have reached a dead end or communication impasse

torment yourself replaying ‘what you could have said’

are tired of conversations that go round in circles, and lead nowhere

hold back what you really want to say… and feel resentful

are interested in self-development

plan your response whilst ‘listening’

lose your temper and piss people (or yourself!) off

You’re in the right place if you want to:

feel grounded and empowered in expressing what matters to you

express what’s important to you with clarity and care

listen more, and in a way that brings you satisfaction, rather than arguing and defending

be able to listen with curiosity and openness to people who have different opinions to you

have genuine self-compassion, instead of giving yourself a hard time when you fall short in some way

regulate your nervous system with confidence in challenging situations

communicate in challenging situations without losing your cool, feeling undermined, or out of your depth

respond to disagreements being true to yourself, without making things worse

be able to get along with people who have a very different background from you

stay open to others who are expressing an opinion you dislike and disagree with

connect with your needs beyond mere survival

 increase your capacity to disentangle observations from interpretations and, in so doing, reduce the frequency you interpret what’s happening as a threat

We might love each other a lot if:

‘the body keeps the score’, is meaningful to you

you’re at least contributing to ‘creating your own reality’ ; )

God is in the profane and the profound

you’re willing to laugh at yourself

‘the cure for the pain is in the pain’

dark humour appeals

your hunger for growth is minimum 9 out of 10

you can feel the fear and do it anyway

Who do I help?

I work with conscious parents who are worried about their inherited blindspots and don’t want to mess up their kids.

I work with heartful people who go with the flow, but end up stuck and resentful.

I work with level-headed men who say “I’m fine” regardless, and who’d like to harness the power of their emotions but don’t know how.

What do I do?

I'm passionate about emotionally connected communication as a powerful tool for creative problem solving…

I help people to trust the compass of their emotions and to understand and be orientated by the underlying life-energy of ‘needs’ within them: to be able to use their present moment difficulties to move themselves towards what really matters to them.

I help parents to get to a place of clear-headed trust that they’re making the best decision for their kid’s development even when the $hit is hitting the fan.

I help dads break down the walls between themselves and their children: to really connect and find joy in being together: to find the joy in fatherhood.

In a nutshell, I help people generate a quality of connection in their communication which lessens misunderstanding, more readily resolves conflict, and taps into the spontaneous generosity that emerges from being, well, real.

How do I do it?

My work is based on Marshall Rosenberg’s ‘mindfulness system’ Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

I run training courses that teach nonviolent (NVC) / mindful communication & awareness skills.

So, the way I do this is to create a warm and playful interactive environment where people can begin to feel safe in sharing and being seen & heard in their vulnerability: their true humanity. From this place we study and pay attention to how our bodies are responding in any given moment, and we learn how to connect sensations and feelings to our deeper longings. This process of empathic self-connection is personally transformative and as a result, transforms the quality of all our interactions (you're welcome!).

The ‘Vibrant Life Mindful Communication Skills’ training I offer is designed to increase emotional intelligence in the service of mutually satisfying relationships. It is commonly, though not exclusively, comprised of four playful 3-hour group Zoom sessions (or face-to-face if you’re in Cornwall), each themed, experiential and interdependent. The sessions can occur over a period of up to 2 months to give more time for practice and integration between them. That said, the learning is a total of 12 hours, and can be chunked to suit your requirements. You'll be in a group of up to 12, and be with that same group throughout the journey - this is really important as the sense of care for and kindredness with one another is increasingly felt, so speaking from the heart becomes more and more natural and a sense of unity emerges.

Keen to move forward?

Here are 3 ways to get started:


Get Free Stuff

Grab your starter kit or take a look at our best articles and videos. Even take a trauma quiz!


Get Learning

Buy ‘the book’, get the cards, or experience empathy at a safe ‘quantum’ distance without talking or even seeing one another.


Get Accompanied

Move beyond information into application.

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